Juri was a proiminent practitioner of Taekwondo when she was 15. Her father was a lawyer in charge of prosecuting organized crime operations. In this capacity, he tried to go after Shadoloo, causing his family to be kidnapped by that very organization. During the ordeal, Juri lost her parents and her left eye. S.I.N. eventually gave her a new eye, powered by the Feng Shui System. Juri began to work for Seth (head of S.I.N.), mostly killing people for him. However, Juri was still seeking revenge on Shadaloo. When Seth assigned her to World Warrior Tournament, she was really happy, that she will finally kill the leader of Shadaloo, M. Bison.
Juri is a very flashy fighter who likes to toy with her opponent. She uses a few punches, but mostly uses kicks. Juri has a fireball technique, Fuhajin, that she can choose to charge. If she chooses to charge it, she does a high kick that leaves a trail of purple energy, and she can unleash her fireball at any time after that by releasing the button. Her most notable technique is Senpusha, which moves her forward as she does a wheel kick. She has a counter move, Kasatushi, in which she taunts her enemy into hitting her, and if she is hit, she can either move backwards, jump into the air (and react with an air move), or appear behind her opponent. She has an aerial dive kick, Shikusen, that can go at any range and can be followed up with two more kicks. Her Super Combo move, Fuharenjin, unleashes a flurry of fireballs and juggles the opponent, ending with a fireball that hits the opponent as they are falling.

Her Ultra Combo I, Feng Shui Engine, allows Juri to connect regular moves into combos. The Revenge Gauge gradually drains and Juri's left eye continuously flashes while the skill is in effect. Her second Ultra is Kaisen Dankairaku. Juri starts with a rising-spiral kick similar to Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick which hits the opponent and sends them mid-air. Juri then kicks the foe downward, lands on the ground before the opponent, and delivers a strong kick to the opponent's back. With her foot still raised, she taunts him/her, and does an axe kick which sends the opponent to the ground.

Originally, Yoshinori Ono, the producer of Street Fighter series, wanted to base Juri after the Korean actress Ye-Jin Sohn as Ono is a big fan of her. However, the discussion between Capcom and Sohn's agent wasn't successful, so he had to abandon his plan. Her Japanese seiyū is Eri Kitamura.

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