Monday, April 19, 2010


Scorpion is a deceased ninja in the Mortal Kombat series. He is one of the few original characters, debuting in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game.

Scorpion is a black and yellow garbed, hell-spawned spectre, inexorably seeking vengeance against those responsible for the destruction of his clan and the death of his family. Despite the fact that Scorpion has previously allied himself with the forces of evil, he is not inherently evil. Scorpion has indirectly assisted the game's protagonists, although his reasons for doing so always ultimately serve to benefit his own motives. When masked, Scorpion appears human, although this is merely an illusion. When revealing his true self, only Scorpion's skull remains, which sometimes appears on fire.

Two years after being slain by Sub-Zero (along whith his wife, son and the entire clan), Scorpion returned from the death, to avenge his clan, and participated in Shang Tsung's tournament. It would not be until Liu Kang's defeat of Goro that he would catch Sub-Zero off guard and have his revenge, burning the defeated Lin Kuei to death. Immediately afterward, he returned to the Netherrealm in an explosion of fire and ash.

While in the Netherrealm, Scorpion would catch wind of a new tournament in Outworld, as well as Sub-Zero's participation. Shocked and angered that his murderer somehow returned to life, Scorpion followed him to Shao Kahn's tournament. During one of Sub-Zero's battles, he witnessed the Lin Kuei sparing his opponent's life. He would soon learn that this Sub-Zero was not his murderer, but Sub-Zero's younger brother. To atone for slaying his kin, Scorpion vowed to protect Sub-Zero instead. But Sub-Zero would never know this.

When Shao Kahn invaded Earthrealm and unsuccessfully tried to conquer the Netherrealm as well, Scorpion was inadvertently set free, and began walking on the Earth once more. He pledged allegiance to no one, taking neither friends nor enemies. Shao Khan, however, recognized Scorpion's superior warrior skills, and enlisted the ninja in his forces. Scorpion's allegiance with Shao Khan quickly dissolved when he discovered that Sub-Zero was one of Earth's Chosen warriors and therefore one of Shao Kahn's targets. He turned on Shao Kahn, and sided with the Earthrealm warriors in their final showdown with the evil emperor. With Shao Khan and his minions defeated, Earth reverted back to normal, causing Scorpion to return to the Netherrealm once more.

Scorpion's fightning styles include Hapkido and Moi Fah. His weapon of choice is Mugai Ryu. Scorpion's special moves mostly include fire-based attacks.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cammy White

Cammy White, also known by the codename Killer Bee, is a character from the Street Fighter series. Her first appearence was in Super Street Fighter 2.

Cammy's first appearance in the Street Fighter chronology was Street Fighter Alpha 3, where she was a soulless Doll, sent to assassinate Dhalsim. Dhalsim used his spiritual powers to make her self-aware, and she realized that Shadaloo was controlling her. When Cammy confronted Bison, he told her that she was meant to become his next body, after his current physical manifestation was destroyed by his own Psycho Power. He explained to Cammy that she was a clone of himself who possessed a small portion of his Psycho Power, and that if he were to die, she would die as well. Cammy fought against his psychic probing and rescued the Dolls from Bison's control with the Psycho Drive. Cammy got the Dolls out the Shadaloo base and then fell unconscious. Vega rescued her, not wanting to allow a beautiful human to die. He deposited her on the doorstep of the British organization, called Delta Red, which took her in. She was a very valuable member to the team.

Cammy is a quick, close range fighter. She doesn't have any projectile, so she fights the enemy, relying on speed and priority. Cammy's anti-air move, Cannon Spike, causes her to quickly kick one leg upward into the air, twisting her body and flipping backward. Cammy's distance clearing attack, Spiral Arrow, causes her to lunge forward, feet first, while spinning. Cammy's most famous Super Combo is Spin Drive Smasher, which is a powerful, multi-hitting Spiral Arrow and ends with a powered Cannon Spike. Her Ultra Combo is Gyro Drive Smasher.

The move begins similarly as the Spin Drive Smasher. Cammy leaps into the air after her opponent is launched in the air and grabs onto their head, performing aerial maneuvers that drive the opponent to the ground, where Cammy breakes their neck.

Cammy is a pretty, young girl with blue eyes and long blonde pigtails with a scar on her left cheek. In Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter IV, Cammy wore a green thong leotard and a Delta Red triangle insignia on the right breast, a red beret, black boots, and red gauntlets. Her legs were painted with green camouflage.

Cammy fights in England in her first appearance, but her voice actress in the games always have either American or Japanese accents. In Street Fighter 4, she has Cammy appears as one of the main heroes in the 1994 movie Street Fighter. She is portrayed by the famous Australian musician Kylie Minogue. In the movie Cammy is a British intelligence agent that is serving as Colonel Guile's intel officer and right-hand woman in the Allied Nations Army.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Juri Han

Juri Han is a character in the Street Fighter series. She maked her debut in Super Street Fighter IV. She is the first Korean character in the Street Fighter series, and the only one that uses Taekwondo so far.

Juri was a proiminent practitioner of Taekwondo when she was 15. Her father was a lawyer in charge of prosecuting organized crime operations. In this capacity, he tried to go after Shadoloo, causing his family to be kidnapped by that very organization. During the ordeal, Juri lost her parents and her left eye. S.I.N. eventually gave her a new eye, powered by the Feng Shui System. Juri began to work for Seth (head of S.I.N.), mostly killing people for him. However, Juri was still seeking revenge on Shadaloo. When Seth assigned her to World Warrior Tournament, she was really happy, that she will finally kill the leader of Shadaloo, M. Bison.

Juri is a very flashy fighter who likes to toy with her opponent. She uses a few punches, but mostly uses kicks. Juri has a fireball technique, Fuhajin, that she can choose to charge. If she chooses to charge it, she does a high kick that leaves a trail of purple energy, and she can unleash her fireball at any time after that by releasing the button. Her most notable technique is Senpusha, which moves her forward as she does a wheel kick. She has a counter move, Kasatushi, in which she taunts her enemy into hitting her, and if she is hit, she can either move backwards, jump into the air (and react with an air move), or appear behind her opponent. She has an aerial dive kick, Shikusen, that can go at any range and can be followed up with two more kicks. Her Super Combo move, Fuharenjin, unleashes a flurry of fireballs and juggles the opponent, ending with a fireball that hits the opponent as they are falling.

Her Ultra Combo I, Feng Shui Engine, allows Juri to connect regular moves into combos. The Revenge Gauge gradually drains and Juri's left eye continuously flashes while the skill is in effect. Her second Ultra is Kaisen Dankairaku. Juri starts with a rising-spiral kick similar to Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick which hits the opponent and sends them mid-air. Juri then kicks the foe downward, lands on the ground before the opponent, and delivers a strong kick to the opponent's back. With her foot still raised, she taunts him/her, and does an axe kick which sends the opponent to the ground.

Originally, Yoshinori Ono, the producer of Street Fighter series, wanted to base Juri after the Korean actress Ye-Jin Sohn as Ono is a big fan of her. However, the discussion between Capcom and Sohn's agent wasn't successful, so he had to abandon his plan. Her Japanese seiyū is Eri Kitamura.